Table 1. Hormone data of patients.
Pt. | 17OHP (ng/dl) | D4A (ng/dl) | F (ng/ml) | T (ng/ml) | 11-S (ng/ml)a | DOC (ng/ml)a | ACTH (pg/ml) |
2 | 181→1148 (10–143→104–488) | 426→473 (10–81→17–146) | 122→172 (39–218→169–365) | 0.5 (<0.10–0.37) | 24.58b (0.09–1.09) | 0.84b (<0.15) | − |
3 | 248a (41.2–295.4) | 288a (0.28–1.64) | 182a (47.4–199.7) | 0.3a (0.10–0.45) | 2.94s (< 1.08) | 3.24s (<0.12) | − |
4 | 230 (<600) | — | 85 (40–150) | 1.7 (0.36–0.58) | 7.54b (0.08–0.84) | — | 333 (5–60) |
5 | 2430 (<600) | 1400 (<1.46) | — | 1.8 (0.36–0.58) | 9.51b (0.28–1.64) | — | 329 (5–60) |
Hormone data of patient 1 before treatment were not available.
Baseline→ACTH-stimulated hormone concentrations; reference intervals in parentheses; Bold characters refer to hormonal levels out of reference intervals.
Performed with ID-LC-MS/MS.
Assayed at a different time than other hormones.