Fig. 10.
sFRP1 expression in osteoclasts. A: Tartrate resistant acid phosphatase staining of WT and KO mouse femur (paraffin 10×, day 2) with a 40× of osteoclast in lower part. B: β-gal activity, newborn femur 10× frozen section (a) and counterstained with eosin (b). Osteoclasts at 40× (c,d) from parts A and B, respectively. Bone surface (B) and marrow space (M) are shown. C: sFRP1 mRNA levels in osteoclasts. Left, normal bone marrow hematopoietic cells (from 8 weeks BalbC mice) and osteoclasts produced after 4 days of RANK ligand treatment, Right part—relative expression levels in undifferentiated bone marrow, osteoblasts and osteoclasts is compared. Q-PCR data obtained using Sybr-Green. sFRP1 is normalized to GAPDH and relative values compared in each sample (n=3 analysis).