Fig. 5.
Kidney development and structure in the post-natal WT and KO mouse. A: Kidneys from newborn after β-gal staining of whole excised organ followed by fixation for paraffin section (2.5×) and higher magnifications (10×) of (B) cortex and (C) medulla. β-gal positive tubules and collecting duct are shown after β-gal staining with eosin only counterstain in middle part (10×) and right part (40×). Parts D and E show 4 weeks age kidney. Morphology (D) at 2.5× and (E) at 10× of the cortex (a) and (b) medulla left part, 10× and right part 40×. More glomeruli in the KO are found and along the corticomedullary junction. F: Quantitation of the number of glomeruli in n=4 unit areas per whole kidney section for n=5 slides representing different sections of the kidney. Glomeruli were counted at 10× magnification. The mean ± SEM for 20 total fields for n = 2 mice at each age is shown.