Figure 1.
The mlc1f-Cre gene construct leads to selective excision of floxed gene sequence in skeletal muscle. Xgal histology of: (A) longitudinal section of tibialis anterior muscle from a ROSA26 reporter+; mlc1f-Cre+ mouse with blue Xgal reaction product indicating mlc1f-Cre–dependent floxed gene excision; and (B) a ROSA26 reporter +mlc1f-Cre- control; (C) cross section of EDL muscle from a ROSA26 reporter+; mlc1f-Cre+ mouse; (D) transverse spinal cord section from a ROSA26 reporter+; mlc1f-Cre+ mouse showing lack of MN floxed gene excision Scale bar =200 μm in D (applies to A,B,D); 100 μm in C.