Table 1. Characteristics and methodological quality of studies included in meta analysis.
Study (year) | Country, races | Phase of clinical trial | No. of patient (male%) | Agea | Population source | Mutation detection methods | Regimen | IRI dose (mg m−2)/schedule | Grade criteria | Neutropenia grade 3–4 (%) | Diarrhoea grade 3–4 (%) | Study design |
Lamas et al9 | Spain, U | U | 100 (63.4) | 67 | U | SPR | FOLFIRI | 180/biweekly | N3 | 18 (18.0) | 12 (12.0) | R |
Shulman et al10 | Israel, C | I | 214 (46.3) | 63 | M | SPR | TEGAFIRI, XELIRI, FOLFIRI, IFL | U | U | 48 (22.4) | 19 (8.9) | R |
Martinez et al11 | Spain, C | III | 149 (U) | U | M | Sequencing | FOLFIRI, FUIRI | 80/weekly or 180/biweekly | U | 31 (20.8) | 45 (30.2) | R |
McLeod et al12 | USA/UK/Canada, mainly C | III | 212 (U) | 61 | M | PYRS | IFL, IROX | 100–125/weekly or 200/every 3 weeks | N2 | Only grade 4: 28 (13.2) | 60 (28.3) | P |
Glimelius et al13 | Sweden/UK/Norway, mainly C | III | 136 (U) | 62 | M | SPR | FLIRI, Lv5FU-IRI | 180/biweekly | N2 | 18 (13.2) | 10 (7.4) | R |
Braun et al15 | UK, U | III | 326 (U) | 64 | M | SPR | IrFu, IRI | 300–350/every 3 weeks, 180/biweekly | C2 | 35 (10.7) | 18 (5.5) | P |
Parodi et al16 | USA, U | III | 110 (52.2) | 60 | M | SPR | FOLFIRI, mIFL, CapeIRI | 125 or 180/ biweekly, 250/every 3 weeks | U | 42 (38.2) | / | P |
Ferraldeschi et al17 | UK, mainly C | U | 92 (69.0) | 63 | S | SPR | FOLFIRI/ IRI—VEGF inhibitor, CapeIRI, UFT- Lv- IRI- OX | 180/biweekly | N2 | 16 (17.4) | 6 (6.5) | P |
Toffoli et al18 | Italy, C | I | 250 (64.8) | 61 | M | PYRS | FOLFIRI, mFOLFIRI | 180/biweekly | N2 | 35 (14.0) | 21 (8.4) | P |
Kweekel et al20 | Netherlands, C | III | 218 (62.8) | 61 | M | PYRS | CapeIRI, IRI | 250 or 350/every 3 weeks | N2 | / | 48 (22.0) | R |
Ruzzo et al21 | Italy, C | U | 146 (55.6) | 61 | M | SPR | FOLFIRI | 180/biweekly | N2 | 34 (23.0) | / | P |
Côté et al22 | France, C | III | 89 (U) | U | M | SPR | FOLFIRI | 180/biweekly | N2 | 19 (21.3) | / | P |
Massacesi et al23 | Italy, C | II | 56 (52.7) | 64 | M | Sequencing | IRI- raltitrexed | 80/weekly | N2 | 4 (7.1) | 10 (17.9) | P |
Carlini et al24 | USA, mainly C | II | 62 (55.0) | 61 | M | SPR | CapeIRI | 100 or 125/weekly | N2 | 2 (3.3) | 20 (32.3) | P |
Rouits et al25 | France, C | U | 73 (61.1) | 62 | S | PYRS | FOLFIRI, mFOLFIRI | 85/weekly or 180/biweekly | N2 | 22 (30.1) | 13 (17.8) | R |
Marcuello et al26 | Spain, C | U | 95 (63.3) | 68 | U | SPR | IRI-Tomudex, IRI-5FU-LV, IRI-5FU, IRI | 80/weekly or 180/biweekly or 350/every 3 weeks | C2 | / | 29 (30.5) | P |
Abbreviations: C, Caucasian; CAPe, capecitabine; C2/3, CTCAEv2/3, Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 2/3; IRI, irinotecan; LV, leucovorin; M, multicentre; N2/3, NCI-CTC v2/3, National Cancer Institute-Common Cytotoxicity Criteria version 2/3; OX(A), oxaliplatin; P, analysis was planned prospectively; PYRS, pyrosequencing; R, analysis was planned retrospectively; S, single centre; SPR, sizing of PCR products; Sequencing, other DNA sequencing methods; TEGAF, UFT/LV; U, unknown; 5FU, 5-fluorouracil; UFT, uracil/tegafur; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; XEL, xeloda.
median or mean age.