Phylogenetic trees. (A) 16S rRNA tree of representative species of the phyla Planctomycetes and Verrucomicrobia with sequenced genomes (as of June 2013) and five outgroup species. Bootstrap values are shown at nodes, and black hexagons indicate species with a BMC gene cluster. Each species' BMC gene cluster is shown schematically to the right of the species name, color-coded by gene annotation as follows: orange, transcriptional regulator; blue, enzyme; green, BMC-H shell protein; pink, BMC-P shell protein; gray, hypothetical protein. (B) Gene tree of the concatenation of aldehyde dehydrogenase (pduP) and phosphotransferase (pduL) homologs (Table 2; see also Table S3 in the supplemental material). Branches with less than 50% bootstrap support were collapsed and drawn in cartoon form. Branch color or symbol corresponds to phylum. Collapsed branches were similarly colored to represent phyla present within. Scale bar represents number of substitutions per site. Clades are annotated by the key enzymes present in the gene clusters (see Materials and Methods). PDU, vitamin B12-dependent propanediol utilization; PDU2, vitamin B12-independent (glycyl radical enzyme-utilizing) propanediol utilization; PV, Planctomycetes and Verrucomicrobia type; EUT, vitamin B12-dependent ethanolamine utilization; GRE, locus of unknown function containing a glycyl radical enzyme. Bootstrap values of branches separating major clades are shown.