FIG 2.
Small RNAs expressed by HTLV-1. (A) Positions and nucleotide sequences of the two small RNA species identified in MT-2 cells. MT-2/A corresponded to nt 7582 to 7602 in exon 3 of the HTLV-1 ATK sequence. MT-2/B corresponded to nt 513 to 530 of the 5′ R region and nt 8792 to 8808 of the 3′ R region of ATK. (B) Secondary structure predicted by RNAfold (; University of Vienna) for HTLV-1 sequences containing MT-2/A and MT-2/B with 15 nt added at the 5′ end and 50 nt at the 3′ end to simulate a pre-miR. The optimal secondary structures and their minimum free energy (MFE) values are indicated. Nucleotides in grey circles have a high probability of occupying the indicated paired or unpaired position and were identified with red or orange circles in the original RNAfold diagram.