Newborn P0.5 oocytes can resist gamma radiation treatment. (A) The upper panels show representative immunohistochemistry ovary sections stained for p63 of nonirradiated P7 mice (0 Gy) or 0.45-Gy-irradiated P0.5 or P5 mice examined at P7. The lower panels show magnified images of the boxed regions in the upper panels. Arrows, immature primordial follicles oocytes; arrowheads, oocytes undergoing growth and maturation in primary or secondary or follicles. Bars, 50 μm. (B) Quantification of oocyte survival in ovaries of 0.45-Gy-irradiated P0.5 and P5 mice examined at P7 and compared to nonirradiated P7 controls. n = 3 mice; error bars indicate the SEM. **, P ≤ 0.002 (Kruskal-Wallis test). (C) Western blot of TAp63α levels remaining in ovaries of 0.45Gy-irradiated P0.5 versus P5 mice examined at P7 compared to nonirradiated P7 controls. Ovary lysates are equivalent to half of one ovary loaded per lane. IgG, endogenous ovary mouse IgG.