Viral nonstructural proteins Pns6 and Pns10 are the constituents of viroplasm matrix induced by RRSV infection in VCMs. (A) Morphogenesis of viroplasm. Inset is enlarged image of the boxed area. Black arrows: intact virions, red arrows: core-like particles. Bars, 100 nm. (B and C) Immunogold labeling of Pns6 (B) and Pns10 (C) in the viroplasm matrix at 84 hpi. VCMs were labeled for Pns6 and Pns10 with Pns6- and Pns10-specific antibodies in panels B and C, respectively, as primary antibodies, followed by anti-rabbit IgG conjugated to 15-nm gold particles as secondary antibodies. Insets show enlarged images of the boxed areas. Black arrows, virions; red arrows, gold particles. Bars, 100 nm. (D) Confocal immunofluorescence micrographs of the colocalization of Pns6 and Pns10 within the viroplasm. RRSV-infected VCMs were immunostained with Pns10-FITC and Pns6-rhodamine at 24 and 84 hpi. Bars, 5 μm.