FIG 1.
MMTV Gag colocalizes with endogenous YB-1 in cycloheximide-resistant cytoplasmic complexes. (A) Uninfected NMuMG cells were unstressed, subjected to heat shock at 44°C for 45 min (HS) or heat shocked for 30 min at 44°C and treated with cycloheximide (HS + CHX) or vehicle control (HS + DMSO) for 15 min at 44°C, and then fixed and stained for YB-1. (B) Uninfected NMuMG cells were treated as in described for panel A and immunostained for TIA-1. (C) MMTV(C3H)-infected NMuMG cells were treated as described above and immunostained for YB-1 and Gag. White boxes indicate the areas of enlargement. M1 and M2 coefficients are shown in the upper right-hand corner and were calculated for ≥6 cells using Just Another Colocalization Plugin (JACoP) (49) for ImageJ ( Values are shown as the means ± standard errors of the means. (D) MMTV(C3H)-infected cells treated as described above were immunostained for TIA-1 and Gag. M1 and M2 values were calculated for 10 cells under each condition. α, anti.