Endogenous Ikaros does not associate with either Zp or Rp. (A) Results of ChIP-qPCR assays for Ikaros binding. Sal cells were processed for ChIP with an Ikaros-specific or IgG control antibody. Recovered DNA was subjected to qPCR with primers spanning the EBV Z (BZLF1) and R (BRLF1) promoters and the cellular Ebf1 promoter as a positive control. Error bars show standard deviations. (B) ChIP-seq data from the EBV+ LCL GM12878, downloaded from the ENCODE consortium website, of Ikaros binding to the EBV Z and R promoters and the positive-control cellular EBf1 and CDKN1A promoters. The top one of each pair of histograms shows the Ikaros binding densities over the indicated region of the genome, while the bottom shows the input DNA across the same region as a control. Open reading frames of the Z, R, Ebf1, and CDKN1A genes are shown as lines, with arrows indicating the direction of transcription.