FIG 3 .
Impact of two novel WTA glycosyltransferases, TagN and TagN-Sc, on electrophoretic mobility and composition of PS187 WTA. (A) Cell wall phosphate determination upon tagN disruption in the S. aureus PS187 panel compared to PS187 wild type (w.t.), PS187 ∆tagO strain lacking WTA, and its complemented strain (c-tagO). Statistically significant differences compared to the wild type calculated by the unpaired two-tailed Student t test are indicated: ns, not significant, P > 0.05; ***, P < 0.001. (B) WTA PAGE analysis of WTA preparations. Samples were resolved in polyacrylamide gels and visualized with alcian blue/silver staining. One representative experiment is shown. (C) 1H NMR spectrum of purified WTAs. Arrows indicate characteristic signals for GalNAc at δ 5.1 (anomeric proton signal) and δ 2.1 and for methyl group of NAc at δ 2.1. Wild type (w.t.), tagN mutant (GN1), tagN-complemented GN1 mutant (c-GN1), and tagN-Sc-complemented GN1 mutant (c-GN1 [tagN-Sc]) are indicated.