Figure 4.
Top - Summary of BNP combination 4 assay cross-reactivity in 1XBB. Bar heights represent the mean ECL of five independent measurements (N = 5) with standard deviation error bars. Each analyte was measured at 250 pg/mL. Bottom – ELASA cross-reactivity data for each of the reporter (BNP 2F) and capture (BNP 25cF) aptamers used in the selected sandwich assay. Abbreviations: BSA; Bovine Serum Albumin, Brain Natriuretic Peptide; BNP, CRP; C-Reactive Protein, CTx; C-Telopeptide of Human Bone Collagen, DD; D-Dimer, HP; Helical Peptide of Human Bone Collagen, hGH; Human Growth Hormone, IL; Interleukin, NTx; N-Telopeptide of Human Bone Collagen, Tpn-T; Troponin-T.