Table 4.
Teamwork climate: Cronbach’s alpha: 0.83 | Mean (SD b ) | ITOFC c |
3. Nurse input is well received in this office. |
4.23 (1.01) |
0.62 |
. In this office it is difficult to speak up if I perceive a problem with patient care. |
4.00 (1.15) |
0.53 |
30. Disagreements in this office are resolved appropriately (i.e., not who is right but what is best for the patient). |
3.97 (0.97) |
0.62 |
34. I have the support I need from other personnel to care for patients. |
4.45 (0.82) |
0.65 |
35. It is easy for personnel in this office to ask questions when there is something that they do not understand. |
4.56 (0.77) |
0.61 |
37. During emergencies, I can predict what other personnel are going to do next. |
3.69 (0.88) |
0.36 |
38. The physicians and nurses here work together as a well-coordinated team. |
4.02 (0.97) |
0.62 |
. I am frequently unable to express disagreement with staff physician/ intensivists in this office. |
3.50 (1.44) |
0.41 |
45. Attending physicians/primary care providers in this office are doing a good job. |
4.73 (0.49) |
0.52 |
Safety climate: Cronbach’s alpha: 0.77 |
Mean (SD
) |
4. I would feel safe being treated here as a patient. |
4.54 (0.74) |
0.27 |
5. Medical errors are handled appropriately in this office. |
4.12 (0.88) |
0.60 |
11. I receive appropriate feedback about my performance. |
3.39 (1.16) |
0.56 |
. In this office, it is difficult to discuss errors. |
3.84 (1.09) |
0.58 |
20. I am encouraged by my colleagues to report any patient safety concerns I may have. |
3.80 (1.21) |
0.55 |
21. The culture in this office makes it easy to learn from the errors of others. |
3.41 (1.18) |
0.63 |
28. I know the proper channels to direct questions regarding patient safety in this office. |
4.06 (1.19) |
0.46 |
Job satisfaction: Cronbach’s alpha: 0.74 |
Mean (SD
) |
2. I like my job. |
4.75 (0.61) |
0.50 |
8. Working in this office is like being part of a large family. |
3.75 (1.13) |
0.49 |
15. This office is a good place to work. |
4.61 (0.72) |
0.72 |
29. I am proud to work at this office. |
4.46 (0.80) |
0.62 |
41. Morale in this office is high. |
4.42 (0.76) |
0.32 |
Working conditions: Cronbach’s alpha: 0.71 |
Mean (SD
) |
6. This office does a good job at training new personnel. |
3.85 (1.09) |
0.64 |
7. All the necessary information for diagnostic and therapeutic decisions is routinely available to me. |
4.18 (0.94) |
0.55 |
18. The levels of staffing in this office are sufficient to handle the number of patients. |
3.41 (1.45) |
0.56 |
22. This office deals constructively with problem personnel. |
3.50 (0.99) |
0.55 |
42. Trainees in my discipline are adequately supervised. |
3.91 (1.05) |
0.63 |
Perceptions of management: Cronbach’s alpha: 0.67 |
Mean (SD
) |
9. Senior management of this office is doing a good job. |
4.16 (1.03) |
0.59 |
10. The management of this office supports my daily efforts. |
4.09 (1.00) |
0.59 |
17. Office management does not knowingly compromise the safety of patients. |
4.20 (1.29) |
0.25 |
19. Decision making in this office utilizes input from relevant personnel. |
4.06 (0.99) |
0.36 |
26. I am provided with adequate, timely information about events in the office that might affect my work. | 3.72 (1.12) | 0.39 |
a 160 of the 266 health care providers included in this study replied to each of the items (they had no missing/not applicable in any of the items related to the five factors).
b Standard deviation.
c ITOFC = Item-to-own-factor correlation.
d Reverse-scored items.