Binding interactions of ANS (Panel A), PAP (Panel B), and 4’-OHPCB 9 (Panel C) with hSULT2A1. ANS binds at the same site as PAP, and 4’-OHPCB 9 binds at the DHEA site. Key hSULT2A1 residues interacting with the ligands at the active site are shown. Total score of 3.78 based on a consensus score of 4 for binding of ANS, total score of 7.80 based on a consensus score of 5 for binding of PAP, and total score of 4.14 based on a consensus score of 5 for binding of 4’-OHPCB 9 were obtained. (crystal structure: hSULT2A1 in the conformation observed with DHEA bound (1J99)).