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. 2013 Nov 12;21(3):547–557. doi: 10.1136/amiajnl-2013-002116

Table 3.

Characteristics of 28 studies looking at adverse drug events in general, that is, events that were not specific to any drug or disease category

Study Country Setting Design Data source Main objective Main outcome and definition No. codes Methods to identify ICD-10 codes Sample size Frequency of outcome measure
Malpass et al53 Australia NR Review NR To describe an ADE monitoring system ADE: NR 318i
Mapped an adverse event classification system to ICD-10. NR NR
Cox et al26 England Hospital RS Admin and PV To compare ADR reports in administrative and PV data ADR: NR 175 NR 21 635 records 0.2% of admissions due to ADR
Runciman et al54 Australia Hospital Review Admin, trial, drug use, chart review and VS To review information about ADE and medication errors in Australia ADR: Noxious and unintended response to a drug used at doses for prophylaxis, diagnosis or therapy of disease or modification of function.
ADE: ADR, harm from medication errors and underuse
NR NR ▸ ADR: occur in 1% of admissions.
▸ ADE: occur in 2–4% of admissions
Waller et al35 England Hospital RS Admin To describe records coded as drug-induced and assess their utility for research ADR: NR 243 Codes containing ‘drug-induced’, diagnoses ‘due to’ a drug, ‘clearly implying’ an ADR and Y40–59 53.8M records 0.4% of admissions due to ADR
CDC37 USA NR RS VS To describe trends in poisoning deaths Death from ingestion, inhalation or exposure to pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs and chemicals37 137 NR NR 5.0–7.8 deaths/100 000 population
Wysowski43 USA NR Letter VS To study deaths attributed to therapeutic drug use Death attributed to drugs used therapeutically 4 NR 604 records NR
Moneret et al32 NR NR Review NR To review the epidemio-logy of anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis 6 NR NR NR
Burgess et al49 Australia Hospital Case series Admin data To examine trends in ADR-related admissions in people ≥60 years ADR: Noxious and unintended response to a drug that occurs at doses normally used in humans 200
NR NR 0.8% of admissions associated with ADR
Barrow et al23 England Hospital RS Admin and PV To compare ADR in admin data with PV reports ADR: NR 37 Used codes identified by Waller et al35 NR NR
Lugardon et al29 France Hospital RS Admin and PV To estimate the incidence of serious ADR in hospital ADR: Noxious and unintended response to a drug used at doses for prophylaxis, diagnosis, or therapy of disease or modification of physiological function 299 NR 261 records 2.9% of admissions associated with ADR
Wysowski42 USA NR RS VS To identify prescription drugs associated with >1000 deaths/year Death due to a prescription drug NRii Seven disease manifestation codes and codes listing prescription drugs as cause NR NR
Zhang et al57 Australia Hospital RS Admin, VS and census To examine trends in repeat ADR causing hospitalization in elderly Hospitalization for ADR.
ADR: Noxious and unintended response to a drug at doses normally used in humans
NR 37 296 records 30.3% of ADR-related admissions were repeat events
Patel et al34 England Hospital RS Admin To examine trends in hospital admissions associated with ADR ADR: NR 245 Codes containing ‘drug-induced’, indicating a diagnosis ‘due to’ a drug, and codes Y40–59 88M records 0.5% of admissions due to ADR
Phillips et al14 USA NA RS VS To describe trends in fatal medication errors ADE: Preventable deaths resulting from accidental overdose, wrong drug given or taken in error, and other accidents in the use of drugs 180 NR 50M death records 0.4% of deaths due to fatal medication errors
Hwang et al 58 Korea Hospital RS Chart review To evaluate an electronic ADE monitoring system ADE: Injury from a medical intervention related to a drug 326 Codes corresponded to ADE described in four previous studies on ADE monitoring systems73–76 598 patients 31% of patients admitted to hospital
Benkhaial et al24 Germany Hospital RS Admin To assess the value of ICD-10 codes to identify drug allergies Drug allergy: NR 35
NR 200 records 9% of records indicating an allergy
Hodgkin-son et al51 Australia Hospital RS Admin and PV To compare ADR identification using coding surveillance with spontaneous reporting ADR: Noxious and unintended response to a drug that occurs at doses used for prophylaxis, diagnosis, or therapy, or modification of physiological function 175
NR 12 414 records 4.5% of admissions associated with ADR
Wu40 Canada ED RS Admin data To estimate the incidence of ADR-related ED visits and admissions for patients >65 years ADR: Injury resulting from a medical intervention relating to a drug. 245
Used codes identified by Patel et al34 966 232 records 0.8% of ED visits were ADR-related
Zhang et al56 Australia Hospital RS Admin, VS and census To identify factors that predict repeat hospital admission for ADR in older adults ADR: Harmful or unpleasant reaction related to a drug that predicts hazard from future use and warrants prevention, treatment, dose change or withdrawal 175
NR 28 548 patients 17.7% of ADR-related admissions were repeat events
Jackson et al52 61 Australia Hospital RS  Admin To develop a tool to monitor hospital-acquired diagnoses Hospital acquired diagnosis.
Codes Y40–59 and codes with a C prefix, indicating a hospital acquired condition 126 940 records NR
Wu et al36 England Hospital RS Admin To examine trends in hospital admissions associated with ADR ADR: Undesirable effect of a drug beyond its anticipated therapeutic effects 260 Codes containing ‘ADR’, ‘drug-induced’, ‘due to drug’, ‘due to medication’, ‘drug allergy’ and Y40–59 59.7M records 0.9% admissions associated with an ADR
Bergman et al25 Sweden Hospital RS Admin and PV To examine trends in the use of the Y57.9 code for ADR reporting ADR: Unintended effect of therapeutic use of drugs 1 NR NR 500 ADR reports/million in population
Stausberg and Hasford21, Stausberg77 Germany Hospital RS Admin To examine the utility of ICD-10 coded diagnoses in admin data to identify ADE among inpatients ADE: Unfavorable medical event that occurred in association with the use of a medication, and that may be causally related to the medication 502*>
Literature search for ADE, identified previously used codes,78 and applied screening criteria of and data from a PV center. Mapped ADE to ICD-10 12M records ▸ 0.7% admissions due to an ADE
▸ 5.3% admissions possibly due to ADE
Stausberg and Hasford22 Germany Hospital RS Admin To examine the frequency of ADE-related admissions and hospital-acquired ADE ADE: Injury resulting from a medical intervention related to a drug including errors and ADR 505iv
Literature search for ADE, identified previously used codes,78 and applied screening criteria of and data from a PV center. Mapped ADE to ICD-10 48M records ▸ 0.5–0.7% of admissions due to ADE
▸ 5% of admissions possibly due to ADE
Osmont et al33 France Hospital RS Admin To evaluate ICD-10 queries to identify serious ADR ADR: NR NR NR NR NR
Hauck and Zhao50 Australia Hospital RS Admin To examine the association between ADR and hospital length of stay ADR: NR 206
NR 206 489
3.4% risk of ADR for 2-day admission
Shepherd et al39 USA NA RS VS To examine trends in mortality attributed to ADR using US VS data ADR: Noxious and unintended response to a medication used at doses administered for diagnosis, prophylaxis or treatment 175 NR NR 0.1 deaths from ADR/100 000 in population
Hohl et al submitted38 Canada ED RS Admin and prospect data To measure proportion of ADE-related ED visits identifiable in admin data ADE: Untoward and unintended symptoms, signs or abnormal laboratory values from medication use 650 Adapted previously established code set21 22 with others found through literature review 1574 records 14.0% of ED visits ADE related

iUse of the AM modification likely, although unable to verify with authors.

iiOnly codes associated with >1000 deaths and/or >1000 total mentions per year were listed.

iiiJackson et al describe the CHADx algorithms to identify hospital acquired diagnoses, including adverse drug events (ADE). The CHADx code set and algorithms are published on the Australian Commission on Quality and Safety in Healthcare website. Jackson et al. recommend searching for ADE using disease manifestation codes clustered with external injury cause codes (Y40–59). C-prefixes are codes that were introduced in the Victorian addition of the Australian Modification of ICD-10.

ivThe difference in the number of codes used by Stausberg et al. has to do with the splitting of code E66.1 (in ICD-10-German Modification 2006) into the four codes: E66.10, E66.11, E66.12 and E66.19 (in ICD-10-German Modification 2008).

ADE, adverse drug event; Admin, administrative; ADR, adverse drug reaction; AM, Australian modification; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; ED, emergency department; GM, German modification; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; M, million; NR, not reported; pros, prospective; PV, pharmacovigilance; RS, retrospective; VS, vital statistics.