Figure 3. Flt3L responsive CD11b− migDC include CD24high CX3CR1low subsets.
(A) In skin and skin draining LN a subset of CD11b− migDC are CD24+ and expand with Flt3L. Gated pre (open) and post (closed) Flt3L in LN and skin explant (lower) as compared to classical CD8α + DC and other migDC (n=3 mice per group, one representative experiment of three). (B) Lower: Flt3L expanded CD24+ cells are CX3CR1low within the CD11b− migDC subset (red) as compared to migratory CD11b+ cells (blue). Upper: Comparison of LN resident CD11b+ CD8α- cDC (blue) and CD8α+ cDC which are CD24+ CX3CR1low (red) (n=2 Flt3L-treated or control CX3CR1 mice per group, one representative experiment of two).