Figure 2.
Lymphocytic infiltration of the pancreatic islets at termination. A: Islet scoring was based on human CD45RO staining of paraffin slides as described in Research Design and Methods. Shown are examples of pancreata from mice injected with T1D CD4+ T-cell lines, highlighting various levels of insulitis. Human CD45RO+ lymphocytes are stained dark red. B: Cumulative scoring of islets is shown for injections of T1D CD4+ T-cell lines (3 donors, 87 mice, 277 islets), healthy control CD4+ T-cell lines (2 donors, 21 mice, 99 islets), T1D PBMCs (6 donors, 41 mice, 131 islets), and healthy control PBMCs (3 donors, 15 mice, 64 islets). Each data point represents one islet. PBMC injections from all donors and CD4+ T-cell line injections from donors HD003, HD004, T1D001, T1D029, and T1D584 are shown. Statistical significance was determined using nonparametric ANOVA (overall P < 0.0001). *P < 0.05; ***P < 0.001. HD, healthy donor; T1D, type 1 diabetes.