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. 2013 Nov 8;35(1):76–85. doi: 10.1002/humu.22461

Table 2.

Anthropometric Data and Clinical Findings

A. Anthropometric Data
B. Clinical Data
Pt Sex Gestn /weeks BW/s.d. (kg) Birth OFC /s.d. (cm) Age at examination OFC/s.d. (cm) Height/s.d. (cm) Developmental Delay Malformations and additional features
F1.1 F 38 −3.6 −4.87 17y6m −9.4 −6 Mild Small cerebral aneurysm, primary ovarian failure
(1.59) (27.75) (42.5) (127)
F1.2 F 40 −2.2 N/A 11y9m −9.9 −4.3 Mild–moderate Atrial–ventricular septal defect, atrophic kidney, rib hypoplasia, fusion of carpal bones, copper beaten skull, platybasia, abnormal C1 vertebrae and primary ovarian failure
(1.96) (41.5) (117.5)
F2 F 33 −3.3 −4.07 7y10m −12.3 −5 Mild Anal atresia with rectovaginal fistula, esotropia
(1.01) (25) (37.9) (99)
F3 F 37 −3.3 −4.17 2y2m −10.8 −6.3 Mild Unilateral congenital hip dysplasia, cutis marmorata
(1.58) (28) (36.3) (68.5)
F4 F 40 −3.8 N/A 2y6m −8.9 −3.6 None Psoriasis
(1.84) (39) (78.4)
F5 M 38 −1.6 −2.72 2y −9.1 −5.3 None Unilateral congenital hip dysplasia
(2.44) (30.5) (38.2) (70.4)
F6 F 32 −2.95 −1.94 2y −10.21 −3.08 Mild Congenital hip dysplasia, 2/3 toe syndactyly, excessive vomiting (gastrostomy in situ)
(0.95) (27) (36.5) (75)
F7 F 37 −4.1 −4.21 3y8m −10.03 −5.15 None None
(1.29) (27.5) (38.8) (79)
F8 F 34 −2.93 N/A 1y9m −9.6 −6.2 Mild None
(1.23) (37) (65)
F9 M 37+ −1.4 −1.6 5y6m −10.8 −2.9 Mild Hypopigmentation, hypermobile knees, single palmar crease, 2/3 toe syndactyly, sandal gap
(2.25) (30.8) (39) (98)
F10 M 37 −4.0 −5.33 3m −10.1 −8.4 N/A Pre-axial polydactyly 2/5 toe syndactyly, dysplastic kidney and dysgenesis of corpus callosum.
(1.3) (26.5) (29) (43)

Anthropometric data stated as Z scores (standard deviation from population mean for age and sex), actual measurements in brackets.

Gestn, gestation; BW, birth weight; OFC, occipitofrontal circumference; s.d., standard deviation; N/A, not available; m, month; y, year.