Figure 5.
(A) Percentage of neurons with significant press, delay, and release activity in control sessions (blue), in sessions with dmPFC inactivated (red), and in recovery sessions (green). Example of single neurons modulated by (B) press, (C) delay, and (D) release in control sessions (blue) and in sessions with dmPFC inactivated. Rasters aligned to lever release. Gray regions indicate temporal epochs used to assess the statistical significance of event-related modulation of firing rate. In (B), modulation was assessed using rasters aligned to lever press. (E) Normalized peri-event histograms for all neurons recorded in control sessions (left panel) and sessions with dmPFC inactivated (right panel). The order of neurons is sorted by firing rate during the delay period. The top two-thirds of motor cortical neurons fired at reduced rates in sessions with dmPFC inactivated as compared to control sessions. Asterisk indicates significance (p <0.005).