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. 2013 Nov;9(11):718–727.


Studies of Sleep Disruption in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Author (Year) Study Population(s) Sleep Measurement(s) Main Findings
Zimmerman (2003)17 Healthy control IBS Inactive IBD MSI Increased subjective sleep complaints (IBD/IBS) vs healthy controls
Nachmias et al (2006)19 (pediatric) Inactive IBD Mini-sleep questionnaire Moderate to severe sleep disturbances, early morning fatigue
Keefer et al(2006)15 Healthy control IBS Inactive IBD PSQI PSG Increased subjective sleep complaints (IBD/IBS) vs healthy controls Sleep disturbances affect quality of life
Ranjbaran et al (2007)10 Healthy control IBS Inactive IBD PSQI Poor sleep quality and effect on quality of life in patients with IBD
Burgess et al (2010)88 Inactive IBD Actigraphy Decreased sleep efficiency
Pirinen et al (2010)16 (pediatric) Inactive IBD Active IBD Multiple questionnaires Severe IBD symptoms associated with sleep disturbance
Graff et al(2011)14 Inactive IBD Active IBD Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory PSQI ESS Active disease increased subjective sleep complaints
Ali et al(2013)91 Inactive IBD Active IBD PSQI Sleep impairment predictive for subclinical inflammation
Graffetal(2013)89 Inactive IBD Active IBD Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory PSQI Poor sleep quality independently associated with increased fatigue
Benhayon et al(2013)90 (pediatric) Inactive/active CD PSQI Poor sleep quality in pediatric depressed CD patients
Increased PSQI scores associated with disease activity
Ananthakrishnan et al (2013)13 Inactive IBD Active IBD PROMIS online survey Sleep impairment associated with disease activity
2-fold increase in active disease at 6 months (CD)
Ali et al(2013)29 Inactive IBD Active IBD PSQI Sleep impairment associated with disease activity
3-fold increase in active disease at 6 months (IBD)

CD, Crohn’s disease; ESS, Epworth Sleepiness Scale; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; IBS, irritable bowel syndrome; MSI, multisystem inventory; PROMIS, Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System; PSG, nocturnal polysomnography; PSQI, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index.