Table 2.
Population | SNPid | Chr | Position | Derived Allele | DAF | nSL | P Value | Function | Rec Rate | Gene |
MKK | rs16831455 | 2 | 135690238 | G | 16 | 6.63 | 1e–5 | Intron | — | ZRANB3 |
MKK | rs309154 | 2 | 136443037 | C | 25 | 6.24 | 1e–5 | Intron | — | DARS |
MKK | rs16838134 | 2 | 137595057 | C | 22 | −6.12 | 1e–5 | Intron | 0.024 | THSD7B |
MKK | rs13390171 | 2 | 135493974 | A | 25 | 5.97 | 1e–5 | Intron | — | YSK4 |
MKK | rs6430516 | 2 | 134935075 | G | 29 | 5.89 | 1e–5 | Intron | 1.449 | TMEM163 |
MKK | rs2289959 | 2 | 136140374 | C | 19 | 5.49 | 1e–5 | Intron | 0.004 | R3 HDM1 |
MKK | rs11887041 | 2 | 134773894 | G | 52 | 5.43 | 1e–5 | Intron | — | MGAT5 |
MKK | rs3769012 | 2 | 136272950 | A | 73 | −5.31 | 1e–5 | Intron | 0.003 | LCT |
MKK | rs4954221 | 2 | 135625932 | G | 70 | −5.30 | 1e–5 | Intron | — | RAB3 GAP1 |
MKK | rs1050115 | 2 | 136228287 | G | 70 | −5.25 | 1e–5 | Coding-synon | 0.003 | UBXN4 |
YRI | rs7193968 | 16 | 69230453 | G | 2 | 4.94 | 5e–5 | Unknown | — | IL34* |
YRI | rs4312417 | 19 | 43489029 | A | 78 | −4.85 | 1e–5 | Intron | 0.729 | YIF1B* |
YRI | rs11880532 | 19 | 43550883 | T | 80 | −4.83 | 1e–5 | Intron | — | CATSPERG |
YRI | rs2866908 | 4 | 108124957 | A | 14 | 4.83 | 1e–5 | Intron | — | DKK2* |
YRI | rs10231365 | 7 | 20398110 | C | 25 | 4.82 | 1e–5 | Intron | 1.526 | ITGB8 |
YRI | rs2413395 | 22 | 34984662 | A | 7 | 4.82 | 1e–5 | Intron | 2.325 | APOL1 (lipid binding) |
YRI | rs8136512 | 22 | 32461239 | C | 28 | −4.81 | 1e–5 | Intron | 1.071 | LARGE* |
YRI | rs6687226 | 1 | 160158180 | A | 1 | 4.76 | 1e–5 | Intron | 0.057 | ATF6* |
YRI | rs11292 | 10 | 102303597 | G | 20 | 4.73 | 1e–5 | Untranslated-3 | 0.087 | HIF1 AN |
YRI | rs10234980 | 7 | 79958990 | T | 25 | −4.64 | 1e–5 | Intron | — | CD36 (lipid binding) |
Note.—The table shows the top ten |nSL| scores falling within genes in the MKK and YRI populations from HapMap3. The first column indicates the population, next columns show the SNP identification number, the location (chromosome and position) of each SNP based on HG18, the derived allele and derived allele frequency (DAF), the nSL score and P value (calculated under the demographic model for Yoruba proposed in Gutenkunst et al. [2009]; the function of the SNP, the recombination rate (Rec Rate) in cM/Mb at the site (from the DeCode recombination rate map) and the gene the SNP is located in. In the YRI population, SNPs that are not among the strongest signatures of selection according to Voight et al. (2006) are marked with an asterisk. Genes involved in lipid binding and in the metabolism of cholesterol are indicated in the table with the notation: lipid binding.