Fig. 5.
9,11-CLA improves the redox status and Nrf2-mediated antioxidant detoxifying defenses in the livers of L-fed rats. Nrf2 activation in the livers of CD- or L-fed rats supplemented or not with CLA supplement was examined by measuring the mRNA expression of downstream genes (GCL, GST, and NQO1) (A) and of genes involved in lipid metabolism (FGF21, PPARα, and PPARγ) (G–I). Representative immunoblot showing Nrf2 levels in nucleus (B) and the effects of the different treatments on enzyme GST and NQO1 activity are shown (C). GSH (D), GSSG content (E), and GSH/GSSG ratio (F) were measured in the livers of differently treated rats. The results are expressed as the means ± SD from triplicate analyses from n = 7 animals/group. Differing superscript letters indicate statistically significant differences (P < 0).