Figure 6. Nicotine is more toxic than the nicotine oxides to S. exigua larvae.
(a) Larval mass of S. exigua [(mean± SE) F4, 154 = 6.03, P≤0.05, n = 32, 27, 33, 30 and 33 for water, nicotine, NNO, cotinine and CNO, respectively] and (b) mortality (%) of S. exigua larvae during 10days of feeding artificial diet containing water (control) or 0.1% (fresh mass) nicotine, NNO, cotinine or CNO; each bar represents data from 30 larvae. In (a), lower-case letters above the bars indicate significant differences (P≤0.05) by one-way ANOVA; in (b) asterisk indicates significant differences (P≤0.05) in frequencies (and displayed percentages) by Fisher's exact test.