ESUs above the species (higher ESUs) in carnivores (a), euungulates (b) and lagomorphs (c). The solution with the highest GMYC support is shown (see also the electronic supplementary material, table S8 and figure S3). Stars denote GS ≥ 0.80 on a 0–1.0 scale. Left-hand panels: taxonomic rank (formal) or level (informal) of hESUs inferred from all models in the confidence set (white) or the solution with the highest support (black), arranged by decreasing taxonomic rank: SO*, suborder; AF, above family; SuperF, superfamily; Fam., family; WF, within family; SF, subfamily; AG, above genus; SG, subgenus; Sp., species. *SO comprises 1 suborder, 1 infraorder and 1 superfamily. Images: Wikipedia commons.