Electromyography (EMG) quantification. (a) EMG integrated mean amplitudes from four muscle of the left hindlimb of animals before and after training. Pre-training, there were no significant differences between trained and non-trained mean amplitudes. (b) Post-training, the trained group demonstrated a significant increase in the soleus (SOL) muscle mean amplitude compared with non-trained controls (p=0.003). (c) Burst-to-step ratios for each recorded muscle. Although no significant difference was detected, trained animals display ratios closer to 1:1 and have less variability than non-trained controls, especially noticeable in the SOL muscle (SOL: trained 0.96±0.03, non-trained 1.25±0.96). TA, tibialis anterior; ST, semitendinosus; VL, vastus lateralis.