Paxillin activation is transient in phagocytosing control microglia but continuous in phagocytosing SIRPα-KD microglia. Immunoblot analysis of p- and T-paxillin in (A) control (Con-Luc), and (B) SIRPα-KD microglia before the onset of phagocytosis (time 0), and after 10 and 30 min of phagocytosis. The antibodies used for immunoblot analysis identify paxillin and paxillin that is phosphorylated at Y118. (C) Quantitation of the ratio p/T based on immunoblot analysis. The ratio p/T in non-phagocytosing Con-Luc microglia (i.e., at time 0) was defined 100%. Then p/T in all other non-phagocytosing and phagocytosing microglia was calculated as percentage of p/T in non-phagocytosing Con-Luc microglia. Average values SEM of four to eight experiments, each performed in duplicates, are given. Significance of differences between initial values at 0 min and those at 10 and 30 min by one way ANOVA and the Dunnet post test are *p < 0.05 and ***p < 0.001 for Con-Luc microglia. Significance of difference between Con-Luc and SIRPα-KD microglia by two way ANOVA and the Bonferroni post test is ###p < 0.001. Significance of difference between 10 and 30 min in Con-Luc microglia by one way ANOVA and the Tukey’s post test is p < 0.01 (not marked).