Table 2.
Authors | Year/ Country | Design | Data source | Sample/ Age in year | Substance | Selected findings |
Lofwall et al.33 | 2005/USA | Cross-sectional | Year not available | n = 41; 50–66 years | Opioid-dependent patients |
n = 26; 25-34 years | ||||||
Merrick et al.29 | 2008/USA | Cross-sectional | 2003 MCBS | n = 12413; ≥65 years | Alcohol |
Préville et al.28 | 2008/Canada | Cross-sectional | 2005–2006 ESA | n = 2798; ≥65 years | Benzodia-zepine | Among persons with past-year benzodiazepine dependence (n = 64), 31.3% had 1-year mood or anxiety disorders |
Rosen et al.34 | 2008/USA | Cross-sectional | Year not available | n = 140; ≥50 years | Opioid-dependent patients | Past-year prevalence: major depression, 32.9%; generalized anxiety disorder, 29.7%; PTSD, 27.8%; mood or anxiety disorder, 47.1%, arthritis, 54.3%; hepatitis C, 49.3%; hypertension, 44.9%; heart condition, 17.9%; lung disease, 22.1%; cirrhosis, 14.3%; diabetes, 11.4% |
Sacco et al.31 | 2009/USA | Cross-sectional | 2000–2001 NESARC | n = 4646; ≥60 years | Alcohol |
Blazer & Wu20 | 2009/USA | Cross-sectional | 2005–2006 NSDUH | n = 10953; ≥50 years | Alcohol, Drugs | Major depression was associated with marijuana use and with cocaine use |
Voyer et al.14 | 2009/Canada | Cross-sectional | 2005–2006 ESA | n = 2785; ≥65 years | Benzodia-zepine | Mild cognitive impairment, major depression, anxiety disorder and suicidal ideation were associated with increased odds of benzodiazepine dependence |
Woo & Chen35 | 2010/USA | Cross-sectional | 2006–2007 | n = 90; ≥65 years | Drugs |
Pietrzak et al.32 | 2011/USA | Cross-sectional | 2004–2005 NESARC | n = 9,463; ≥60 years | Drugs | PTSD was associated with lifetime mood, anxiety, drug use and borderline and narcissistic personality disorders |
Choi & Dinitto30 | 2011/USA | Cross-sectional | 2005–2006 NSHAP | n = 2924; ≥57 years | Alcohol | The number of depressive symptoms was positively associated with binge/heavy alcohol use in men only |
Chou et al.15 | 2011/USA | Longitu-dinal | 2000–2001 & 2004–2005 NESARC | n = 8012; ≥60 years | Alcohol, Drugs |
Cicero et al.36 | 2012/USA | Cross-sectional | 2008–2010 | n = 2573; ≥18 years | Opioid-dependent patients | Opioid-dependent patients ages 45+ (n = 476) were more likely than younger opioid-dependent patients ages 18-44 years to have an anxiety/depressive disorder or alcohol dependence, and to report moderate-to-severe pain |
ESA, Enquête sur la Santé des Aînés or Quebec Survey on the Health of Seniors; MCBS, Access to Care file of the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey; NESARC, National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions; NSDUH, National Survey on Drug Use and Health; NSHAP, National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project; PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder.