Table 2. Clinical findings and viremia for NHPs challenged with MARV.
Animal | Vaccine | Symptoms Observed Between Day 0 and 28 after MARV challengea | Clinical Scorec | Serum Viremiad | Final Outcome |
C050960 | None | Moderate rash (9–11), Anorexia (7–11), Depression (7–11) Mild rectorrhagia (10), Lymphopenia (6), ALP→→ → (10), AST→(6), AST→→→ (10), BUN→ (10), GGT→→ (10) | 1 (7), 1 (8), 1 (9), 4 (10), 15 (11) | 6.1/+++ (6) 6.8/+++ (10) | Died on Day 11 |
C061226 | None | Moderate rash (8–10), Anorexia (7–10), Depression (7–10), Rectorrhagia (10), Lymphopenia (6), ALP→→→ (10), AST→→ (6), AST→→→ (10), BUN→ (10), GGT→→ (10) | 1 (7), 1 (8), 3 (9), 10 (10) | 6.9/+++ (6) 7.3/+++ (10) | Died on Day 10 |
10–230 | rVSV-MARV-GP | Øb | Ø | 0/− | Survived |
119–177 | rVSV-MARV-GP | Ø | Ø | 0/− | Survived |
0406033 | rVSV-MARV-GP | Ø | Ø | 0/− | Survived |
0401043 | rVSV-MARV-GP | Ø | Ø | 0/− | Survived |
0410077 | rVSV-MARV-GP | Ø | Ø | 0/− | Survived |
0212131 | rVSV-MARV-GP | Ø | Ø | 0/− | Survived |
Days after MARV challenge are in parentheses. Fever is defined as a temperature more than 2.5OF over baseline or at least 1.5OF over baseline and ≥103.5OF. Moderate rash refers to petechiae coverage of more than 20% of the skin. Lymphopenia and thrombocytopenia are defined by a ≥35% drop in numbers of lymphocytes and platelets, respectively. (ALP) alkaline phosphatase, (AST) aspartate aminotransferase, (BUN) blood urea nitrogen, (GGT) gamma glutamyltransferase: 2- to 3-fold increase,→; 4- to 5-fold increase, →→; >5 fold increase, →→→.
No symptoms observed.
Clinical scores in bold type with day of score in parentheses. Clinical scores were recorded each day post-challenge for each animal using a scoring system based on dyspnea, depression, recumbency, and rash. A clinical score ≥9 was the criteria for euthanasia per IACUC protocol.
Days after MARV challenge are in parentheses. Viral load for each MARV positive day is depicted as: log10 PFU/ml/qRT-PCR positive (+) or negative (−). +, ≤5 log10; ++, ≥6 log10; +++, ≥7 log10.