Fig. 7.
Cross-combined effects of endogenous and environmental factors and nitrate external concentrations on 15NO3 influx in winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ‘Capitol’) plants. (A) Effects of temperature variations along with increasing external nitrate concentration on nitrate influx. (B) Effects of PAR variations along with increasing external nitrate concentration on nitrate influx. (C) Effects of ontogenetic variations during growth cycle on nitrate influx for N2 fertilization level (272 kg N ha−1). (D) Effects of the day length on day/night nitrate accumulation along with increasing external nitrate concentration on nitrate influx. Solid lines represent the influx for standard conditions (B4 stage, 20 °C, 300 µmol m2 s−1 PAR, 16/8-h regimen) and dotted lines represent influx variations for other endogenous and environmental conditions.