Figure 1.
Ethidium bromide-stained 2% agarose gel demonstrating cDNA amplified with specific primer from RNA of (A) three ovarian cancers and (B) three control ovaries. Lane 1, size marker (O’Range Ruler 50-bp DNA Ladder; MBI Fermentas, Lithuania); lanes 2–4, SDF-1, transcript variant 1; lanes 5–7, SDF-1, transcript variant 2; lanes 8–10, SDF-1, transcript variant 3; lanes 11–13, SDF-1, transcript variant 4; lanes 14–16, CXCR4, transcript variant 1; lanes 17–19, CXCR4, transcript variant 2; lanes 20–22, CXCR7. In the control and neoplastic ovaries, no reaction product for CXCR4, transcript variant 1 was found. For the remaining genes, reaction products with expected size were observed. SDF-1, stromal cell-derived factor-1.