Figure 1.
Vpx rescues T/F viruses to a similar extent as that seen for YU-2 in macrophages. (A) Monocyte derived macrophages (MDM) were infected with equal amounts of p24 of macrophage tropic viruses YU-2, BaL and subtype C and B full-length viruses for 6 h. Cells were washed and new medium was added. MDM were fixed and labeled for intracellular p24 48 h post-infection. Data shown are mean of three independent experiments and error bars represent the standard deviation. (B) MDM were infected as in (A) with or without 1 ng of SIVmac particles containing Vpx. Cells were washed after 6 h and new medium was added. Intracellular p24 staining was analyzed 48 h post-infection. Graph shows representative data of two independent experiments each in duplicates. Error bars represent the standard deviation. White bars: infection without Vpx; black bars: infection with Vpx. Numbers above the graph show fold difference between infection in presence (vpx) and absence (-vpx) of vpx VLP. (C) MDM were infected with CH077 (white bars) and CH058 (checked bars) clinically derived viruses for 4 h and Vpx was added at different time points. All MDM were fixed and stained for intracellular p24 at 48 h post-infection. No Vpx: MDM were infected for 4 h, washed and new medium added. 0 h: MDM were infected with virus and complemented with Vpx at the same time for 4 h, washed and new medium was added; 4 h, 6 h, 10 h, 24 h: MDM were infected with virus for 4 h, washed and new medium was added; Vpx was added at 4 h, 6 h, 10 h and 24 h following the infection. Graph shows representative data of two independent experiments each in duplicates. Error bars represent the standard deviation.