Gross anatomy of parasagittal plane section encompassing the hypothalamus. The fornix (yellow arrows) is the landmark used as the boundary between the periventricular and medial hypothalamic zones (m) with the lateral hypothalamic zone (l). The vertical lines in the inset indicate the different parts of the hypothalamus in the antero-posterior plane, including the anterior (a), middle (mi) and posterior (p) parts. The larger panel displays other parts of the fornix such as the body (bd), the column (c) and the postcommissural (pc) fornix. The figure shows components of the corpus callosum, including the splenium (s), the body (b), the genu (g) and the rostrum (r). The cingulate gyrus (cg) surrounds the corpus callosum and is adjacent to the paraolfactory (po) and paraterminal (pt) gyri, which form the septal area. The specimen used for the hypothalamus analysis also included these two gyri, the lamina terminalis (lt) and the diagonal band (db) laterally. (A), anterior; (ac), anterior commissure (not visible superficially in this slice); (cf), choroidal fissure; (fm), foramen of Monro; (h), hypothalamus; (hs), hypothalamic sulcus; (I) inferior; (ir), infundibular recess; (mb), mammillary body; (oc), optic chiasm; (or), optic recess; (P), posterior; (S), superior; (sp), septum pellucidus; (sz), stratum zonale; (sg), straight gyrus; (t), thalamus; (tc), tuber cinereo; (tms), thalamic medial striae.