Figure 12.
Locations of the expression of neurogenesis markers in a lateral panoramic view of the hypothalamus. DCX staining at this magnification depicts the Papez circuit structures ((f), fornix; (mb), mammillary body; (mt), mammillothalamic tract) in green surrounded by a cloudy figure at the middle and posterior parts of the hypothalamus. The negative control of this experiment is also displayed for comparison. Red arrows and boxes in this figure point to locations analyzed at higher magnification in Figure 15. Upper cases point to the respective images in Figure 14. Arrows and boxes in the hematoxylin-eosin (HE)-stained section highlight locations of nestin-expressing zones analyzed in Figure 13. (a), arcuate nucleus zone; (dm), dorsomedial nucleus zone; (me), median eminence; (or), optic recess; (ovlt), organum vasculosum lamina terminalis; (p), posterior hypothalamic nucleus; (po), paraolfactory gyrus; (poa), pre-optic area; (pt), paraterminal gyrus; (pv), paraventricular nucleus zone; (sc), supra-chiasmatic nucleus zone; (vm), ventromedial nucleus zone. Asterisks: artifacts from folds in the cut. Scale bars: 5,000 μm.