A. Cell-attached patches were perfused with solution 1 mM AICAR or 0.1 mM A769662 until patches broke or up to 12 min. Pipette potential was set at 0 mV. Representative single-channel currents at ~1 min and ~10 min following application of the drugs are shown.
B. TASK activity (NPo) was determined at various time points and plotted as a function of perfusion time. TASK activity was calculated and normalized to that obtained at time zero (1.0). Each point is the mean±SD of 12 determinations from 6 separate cell preparations.
C. TASK activity in cell-attached patches was determined from cells incubated with 0.1% DMSO, 1 mM AICAR or 0.1 mM A769662 for 2–3 h. Each bar is the mean±SD of 12 patches.