Figure 1. Inhibition of MAMP-inducible reporter gene activation by PiRXLR effectors.
Luciferase reporter gene activity in flg22-challenged S. lycopersicum and A. thaliana protoplasts expressing PiRXLR effector genes. Mesophyll protoplasts were co-transfected with a p35S-effector construct (or a p35S-GFP control vector) and the two reporter gene constructs pFRK1-Luc and pUBQ10-GUS. Reporter gene activity was assessed 3 or 6 h later for S. lycopersicum and A. thaliana, respectively. For each data set, flg22-induced luciferase activity was calculated relative to the untreated sample and was normalized by the corresponding GUS activities in flg22 and untreated sample (pFRK1-Luc activity (+flg22/−flg22)). AvrPto was used as a positive control for pFRK1-Luc activity suppression. Four independent biological experiments were carried out per effector. Within each experiment three technical replicates were performed. Pooled data are presented as mean ± SEM. Differences in luciferase/GUS activity between control and effector gene-expressing protoplasts were determined using one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett's multiple comparison test. An asterisk marks data sets with a p-value<0.05.