Fig. 5.
MPNSTs occurring in P0-GGFβ3; Trp53+/− mice develop within peripheral nervous system ganglia. a: A markedly hypercellular microtumor developing within the trigeminal ganglion of a P0-GGFβ3; Trp53+/− mouse. Scale bar, 100µm. b: Higher power view of the tumor shown in A. Note the increased nuclear size and atypia within this lesion and the frequent occurrence of mitotic figures (arrows). c: Immunostain demonstrating S100β immunoreactivity in the microtumor cells and Schwann cells associated with entrapped axons in the lesion. d: Like the major MPNSTs, the microtumors also show nestin immunoreactivity. e: Desmin immunoreactivity is also seen focally in the microtumors. f: Cy3-secondary only control. Scale bars in B–D, 50µm.