Figure 2.
Commensal bacteria-induced ROS generation in intestinal epithelia requires FPR1 and NOX1. (a) CM-H2DCF-DA (5 μM)-mediated detection of ROS in scratch-wounded (SW) polarized SK-CO15 cells treated with fMLF or LGG (2.5×107 cfu/ml) over 15 min. White lines depict scratch-wounded area. Quantitative representation (right) of ROS production in a. Fluorescence intensity was measured by ImageJ software and expressed in units of fluorescence. Results are shown as means ± SD. (b) Detection of ROS in vivo. Mice were loaded with hydrocyanine 3 followed by biopsy wounding (BW) of epithelium. Mucosa was luminally treated for 15 min with HBSS or LGG (2.5×109 cfu). Fluorescence was determined from en face wound bed by confocal laser scanning microscopy (Zeiss). Data represents three independent experiments with n=3 mice per group. White lines, white arrows, and white triangles depict biopsy wounds, enterocytes in colonic crypt units, and lamina propria, respectively. DNA was stained with To-pro 3 for tissue orientation. Scale bar, 50μm. (c) Quantitative representation of ROS production in b. Results are shown as means ± SD and *P < 0.001, by Student’s t test. Fluorescence intensity was measured by ImageJ software and expressed in units of fluorescence.