Generation of human iDP cells. Morphology of cultured DP cells before
reprogramming factors infection (A) and emergence of first reprogrammed clones
on the 8th day after infection (B) and 11th day after
infection (C). Expression of alkaline phosphatase in nonreprogrammed (passage
6) DP cells (D) and in generated (passage 6) iDP cells (E). Immunofluorescent
detection of nucleus proteins: Oct4(F), Sox2 (G), and Nanog (H), and surface
antigens: SSEA3 (L), SSEA4(M), Tra- 1 -60 (N), and Tra -1-81 (O) in iDP cells.
G, I, K, L-O - nuclei are counterstained with DAPI (blue). Scale bars = 200
μm. (G, I, K – the same visual fiels as F, H, J respectively)