Tissue sections were double stained with anti–cytokeratin-8/18 (CK), which
reacts with all trophoblast subpopulations, and anti–NRP-1 or NRP-2.
(A and B) NRP-1 expression was detected in
association with villous trophoblasts. Within the uterine wall, immunoreactivity
associated with invasive CTBs was upregulated as the cells moved from the surface
to the deeper regions. (C and D) Endovascular CTBs that
lined a maternal blood vessel (BV) were also stained.
(E–H) Anti–NRP-2 reacted with
trophoblast and nontrophoblast cells in anchoring villi (AV) as well as
interstitial and endovascular CTBs. Essentially the same staining patterns, but
with weaker intensity, were observed in sPE (data not shown). CTBs were isolated
from the placentas of control nPTL cases and from the placentas of women who
experienced sPE. (I) Over 48 hours in culture, NRP-1 expression was
upregulated in both instances but to a lesser degree in sPE. (J)
Control nPTL CTBs also upregulated NRP-2. Expression of this receptor was reduced
in sPE and the soluble form was more abundant.
(A–J) The data shown are representative of
the analysis of a minimum of 3 samples from different placentas. Scale bars: 100
μm. AV, anchoring villi.