A) Translational control in neurons of normal mice. Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) and NMDA receptors are coupled to PI3K/Akt/mTORC1 and MEK/ERK signaling to regulate cap-dependent translation (for detailed reviews see59–61,78–80). Blue colored proteins are those whose mRNAs are FMRP targets. B) Translational control in neurons of FXS model mice that lack FMRP. Green arrows indicate either total or phosphorylated levels (indicated by red P) of proteins that have been reported to increase in either FXS model mice or cells from FXS individuals41,42,44,48,49,52,54,81. Proteins with red lines around them indicate those that have been successfully targeted either pharmacologically or genetically to reverse molecular, morphological, synaptic, and/or behavioral phenotypes in cellular and/or animal models of FXS41–44,46,49,52,57,70,74,81,83.