FIGURE 1. PhuZ201 assembles three-stranded filaments and forms hexameric nucleus.
(A) Section of a micrograph of negatively stained PhuZ201 filaments polymerized in excess GMPCPP. Inset: reference free 2D average of 500 segments of PhuZ201 polymer. (B) Fourier transforms of reference free 2D averages of 500 segments of PhuZ201 polymerized in 1mM GTP (left) or 1mM GMPCPP (right) show that the pitch of the filament is the same and is ~43 Å. (left) GTP is hydrolyzed soon after assembly resulting in PhuZ201-GDP filaments. (C) Determination of the nucleus size for PhuZ201. PhuZ201 was polymerized at varying concentrations in excess GTP. Solid lines are experimental data and circles are modeling results indicating a hexameric nucleus that grows by monomer and dimer addition.