Fig. 2.
Graphic representation of Sequenom Epityper assays with transcription factor binding sites. A. The CES2 assay examines 4 individual CpG sites located approximately 1,600 to 1,900 bp upstream of the TSS. The CES2 CpG site #3 is found within an ETS transcription factor-binding site. B. The COMT assay covers 30 CpGs sites, although due to technical limitations (e.g. small fragment sizes are not detectable) Sequenom Epi-Typer outputs only 17 CpG units, spanning approximately 250 bp upstream and 100 bp downstream of the TSS. An ETS transcription factor-binding site coincides with CpG sites #30, and #31 on COMT. C. Although CpG methylation on the ETS consensus sequence of SULT2A1 could not be directly assessed (CpG site #1), the assay investigates six individual CpG sites (four CpG units) surrounding the target site, spanning approximately 1,650 to 1,950 bp upstream of the TSS. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]