TFBS family | Transcription factor | Genomatix IUPAC sequence |
AP1 (AP1 and MAF related factors) | BACH1 | nsaTGAGtcatgny |
BACH2 | nrTGAGtcann | |
MAFA | TGCWgmnynngcn | |
MAFB | naawntgCTGAcnwarn | |
MAFK | nwaaawTGCTgactn | |
NFE2 | hgCTGAgtcay | |
NFE2L1 (NRF1) | vncGCGCabgcgcvnv | |
NFE2L2 (NRF2) | nmcCGGAagtgac | |
NRL | nncTGCTgasn | |
ETS (Human and murine ETS1 factors) | EHF | nnacCGGAagtnn |
ELF1 | nnccGGAAgygnn | |
ELF2 | nnrncaGGAAgnr | |
ELF3 | naanccGGAArtwnn | |
ELF4 | nawmccGGAAgtnn | |
ELF5 | ansmGGAAgtwn | |
ELK1 | nrccGGAArynn | |
ELK3 | nnacCGGAagynn | |
ELK4 | nnacCGGAarynn | |
ETS1 | vsmGGAAgygn | |
ETS2 | dacAGGAaryvnkt | |
ETV1 | nncaGGAAgnn | |
ETV3 | nnacCGGAartnn | |
ETV4 | nnacCGGAwrtnn | |
ETV5 | nnacCGGAwgttn | |
ETV6 | anccGGAAgtann | |
GABPA | nnacCGGAagtnn | |
GABPB1 | nmcCGGAagtgac | |
SPDEF | nnatcCGGAtgynn | |
SPI1 | ngnGGAAstn | |
SPIB | naawgmGGAAgtn | |
SPIC | naaagmGGAAgtwn |
The table displays individual transcription factors and their consensus sequence motifs for each TFBS family. The sequence motifs follow the standards set by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), with highly conserved nucleotides in bold. Upper case letters (A, C, G, T) show the most frequent nucleotides occurring at greater than 50% frequency. The degenerate code (R, Y, K, M, S, W) represents two nucleotides that occur at >75% frequency, but individually contribute to <50% frequency. All other frequency distributions are represented by the letter ānā. In particular, several motifs belonging to the ETS family contain cytosine-guanine dinucleotides within their highly conserved sequence.