Figure 4. Maternal cannabis use during pregnancy reduces SCG10 in human fetal cerebrum.
A, A1 In situ hybridization showing reduced mRNA levels in the cerebral cortex (ctx), CA1 subfield of the hippocampus and dentate gyrus (DG) of second trimester fetuses exposed in utero to cannabis. Quantitative data on SCG10 mRNA expression from the CA1 subfield is shown in (A1) (n = 12 fetuses/group).
B Scatter plot of SCG10 mRNA correlated with fetal foot length as developmental covariate.
C, C1 SCG10 protein levels were significantly reduced in human fetal cortices exposed to cannabis in utero. Smaller fetal foot length, a measure of general growth retardation, associated with reduced SCG10 levels in cannabis-exposed fetuses (C1).
D SCG10 mRNA and protein levels positively correlated, reinforcing data from mouse models (Fig 3B and B1).
Data information: Data in (A1) and (C) were expressed as means ± s.d.; dashed lines are subgroup-related regression plots. **P < 0.01. Scale bars, 2 mm.