Cultural Identity |
Where are you and your family from? |
Individual’s Ethnic or Cultural Reference Group |
Are you and your parents from the same place? |
Degree of Involvement with Cultures of Origin and Settlement |
How do you identify yourself culturally? |
Language Abilities, Use, and Preference |
Do you feel connections to any particular groups of people? |
What languages do you know? |
What languages do you speak at home? At work? |
What language would you like to speak with your physician? |
Do you practice a religion now? If so, what? |
Are there religious beliefs that can impact your treatment? |
What activities do you enjoy? |
What are your sources for news and entertainment? For health news? |
Cultural Explanations of Illness |
What happened when you got sick? How did others respond? |
Idioms of Distress Communicating Symptoms or Need for Supports |
Have you ever had anything like this? Do you know anyone who has? |
Meaning and Severity of Symptoms Compared to the Group |
What do you call the problem in your language or when you describe it to provide |
Local Illness Categories Used by the Family or Group for Symptoms |
What kind of problem is it? |
Perceived Causes and Explanatory Models for the Illness |
How serious is the problem? How has it affected your life? |
Current Preferences and Experiences with Professional and Popular Sources of Care |
What are the causes of the problem? |
What do others in your family think about this problem? |
Who have you consulted to get help for this problem? |
What kind of treatment do you want? |
What will the treatment do for you? |
Do you have any concerns about the treatment? |
Cultural Factors of Supports and Functioning |
What stressful situations or events have played a role in your illness? |
Relevant Interpretations of Social Supports, Stressors, and Level of Functioning |
How are these stressors affecting your life and family? |
Stresses in the Local Social Environment |
What do others in our community think about the stresses? |
Role of Religion and Kin Networks in Providing Support |
How are these stresses viewed in your culture? |
Is there someone you can trust and discuss personal matters with? |
Who else can you turn to? |
What are your main sources of daily and financial support? |
How important are family, friends, and community in your life? |
What role does religion and spirituality play in your life? |
How does your illness affect your ability to care for yourself? |
How does your illness affect your ability to work? |
How does your illness affect your interactions with family and others? |
How are these difficulties viewed in your culture? |
Cultural Elements of the Physician-Patient Relationship |
Questions the clinician can ask for self-reflection: |
Individual Differences in Culture and Social Status Between Patient and Clinician |
What is my ancestry and cultural reference group? |
Problems of Individual Differences in Diagnosis and Treatment |
How does my cultural identity relate to the patient’s language, values, and relatio |
How do intercultural relations influence eliciting symptoms and their significance? |
How do intercultural similarities mask other sources of social difference or psycho |
How do intercultural differences influence whether this is normal or pathological? |
How do intercultural differences influence treatment and care? |