Figure 3. Ang-II treatment decreases vascular density.
(a-d) Around 0.6 mL of barium sulfate (0.1mg/mL) was infused in the infra renal aorta through a PE10 tube to visualize renal vascular architecture. The yellow arrows represent interlobular arteries and red arrows represent arcuate arteries. Bar diagram (e) represents the mean percent change ± SEM (n=6/group). Values were obtained after background subtraction and plotted using WT + saline as control. Bar diagram (f) represents the mean percentage change of interlobular artery against the background ± SEM. Bar diagram (g) represents mean percent change of arcuate artery against the background ± SEM. An example of image analysis technique (VesSeg software) using WT+ Saline image is shown in ‘(h)’. TV: Total vascularity; ILA: Interlobular artery; AA: Arcuate artery. *p < 0.05, vs. WT + Ang-II; †P < 0.05 vs. WT and TIMP2-/- given saline treatment.