Fig. 1.
MRIgFUS setup and confirmation of BBB disruption. A, Mice were placed in a supine position over a transducer, generating FUS waves upwards to target locations in the brain. B, Target locations along the right hemisphere were chosen using MRI images taken before MRIgFUS treatment (left). Effectiveness of BBB opening along the right hemisphere was confirmed from MRI contrast-enhanced images and the entry of gadolinium agent after MRIgFUS treatment (right hemisphere, black arrows). The image chosen here for representation of gadolinium entry in the brain was taken from a mouse displaying high enhancement levels. MRI intensities were detected and compared between the untreated (C, left hemisphere) and MRIgFUS-treated region with influx of gadolinium (D, right hemisphere). E, The mean intensity in the MRIgFUS-treated cortex was significantly higher than in the untreated contralateral cortex. F, The amount of gadolinium agent entering the MRIgFUS-treated region over time was calculated by subtracting the increase in enhancement seen in the MRIgFUS-treated region to the background intensity in the untreated region. Scale bar: B = 0.5 cm. Data is presented as paired values between left, untreated and right, MRIgFUS-treated, ***p<0.0001.