Figure 8.
The VR displays used in Experiment 3. (a) In the discontinuous-texture condition, an explicit texture boundary was created by a 90° phase shift between the near and far checkerboard-textured surfaces. (b) In the homogeneous-texture condition, regular checkerboard tiles covered the ground surface. For both conditions, a vertical brick wall was placed at the farend of the checkerboard-textured surface to block the horizon. (c) An illustration (side view) of the general layout when measuring the judged target distance in the discontinuous-texture condition. The observer stood on the near checkerboard-textured surface to view the test-target on the far checkerboard-textured surface. The distance of the texture boundary from the observer was either 3m or 5m. To respond to the perceived distance, the observer turned around by 180o to view the grass-textured field and performed a distance-matching task.