The engineered chemotaxis receptor Di is portable to a range of cell types. (A) Gene construct with N-terminal signal sequence followed by mCherry fluorescent protein fused to Di was inserted into a lentiviral plasmid backbone for viral expression in various cell types. (B) HL-60 neutrophils, primary human T lymphocytes, primary human epidermal keratinocytes, and primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells were transduced to stably express the Di receptor and tested for migration in the presence of a CNO gradient in Transwell experiments. All of the above cell types exhibited increased migration through the Transwell membrane in the presence of CNO compared with vehicle control. Drug concentrations used: 25 nM CNO for T lymphocytes, 100 nM CNO for all other cell types. Mean ± SEM is shown for three repeats (***P < 1e−4, **P = 0.001, *P = 0.02 by Student t test).